7 Day Weight Gain Meal Plan For Underweight

Weight Gain Meal Plan For Underweight

Why Weight Gain Meal Plan For Underweight?

Some of you may not consider being underweight as a critical medical condition. But, there are some complications if being underweight. For example, studies have found that being underweight can link with a 140% more risk of early death in men and 100% in women.

Being underweight weakens your immune system as well. It also increases the chances of infections. And can cause infertility problems. The name of this post is “Weight Gain Meal Plan for Underweight” still we will discuss many angles of it.

You may also lack self-confidence if you are too skinny and underweight. There are lots of factors that can lead you to be underweight. For example, thyroid problems, eating disorders, diabetes, and cancer are some of them here. It can make you highly malnourished as well.

Weight gain meal plans for the Underweight can come to your rescue. It will help you with healthy weight gain. So before you start on the weight gain way, it is urgent to remember that healthy weight gain is the aim.

You don’t want to binge on junk food and gain weight with unhealthy fats near your belly. A fit and healthy rate of weight gain is 0.5-2 pounds per week.

A 3000-calorie healthy diet will help you bring slow and healthy weight gain. The current article provides guides into how to gain weight for underweight people. It also layouts a weight gain meal plan for the Underweight.


Being Underweight Makes You Highly Malnourished Leads To Many Acute Diseases. Thus It Increases The Death Rate By More Than 100%. Our Weight Gain Meal Plan Is The Best Way Of Rescue And Aims To Healthy Weight Gain.

Tips For Weight Gain Meal Plan For Underweight

You should consider the following tips for ensuring healthy weight gain: 

1. Consume More Calories Than Your Burn

The first thing to do while trying for weight gain is to consume more calories than you burn. This calorie surplus helps you to gain weight slowly and healthily. Slow weight gain needs you to take at least 300-500 calories more than your daily burn. 

If you want to gain weight fast, you need to take 700-1000 calories more than your burn. Calorie calculations can be of great help in tracking your daily calorie intake. Thus, It will help you take the right caloric surplus for weight gain meal plans.

Weight gain stands on good rich foods.


The More You Intake Calories, The Fast You Gain Weight. But, Keep The Digestion In Control.

2. Eat Plenty Of Proteins

A Weight gain meal plan for the Underweight should be healthy. It would help if you kept in mind that it is vital to gain a healthy weight. You can do this by making sure healthy muscle mass growth.

Please eat much more protein-rich food in your meals to ensure this. Muscle uses protein. And consuming high protein levels helps to turn the excess calories into strength. If you increase your daily calorie intake without adding enough protein to your meals. Then it will not be a good diet to gain weight.

The extra calorie may end up as body fat. Thus it will lead to unhealthy weight gain. But it can reduce your hunger. So, It is wise for you to take 0.5-1 gram of protein per pound of your body weight for weight gain.


Muscle Uses Protein To Grow Help Weight Gain. So, You Should Add Enough Good Protein To Your Weight Gain Meal Plan.

3. Consume Adequate Carbohydrates And Fats

There are many wrong ideas about taking carbohydrates and fats for weight gain. Thus most of the peoples treat them unhealthy and avoid them. You should lay them out clearly in your weight gain meal plan for Underweight when trying to gain weight.

It would be best to choose to eat healthy carbohydrates. Avoid foods that are too sugary or carbohydrates and lack fiber. Also, you should not take saturated fats and trans-fats as well. These are not good for healthy weight gain.

When making a weight gain diet plan for the underweight, you should target meeting up to 30% of your daily calorie needs from healthy fats. 


Choose More Of Good Carbohydrates To Your Weight Gain Meal Plan For Underweight.

Similar Read: 15 Best Ways How to Gain Weight Fast 

4. Eat Energy Dense Foods

You can add energy-dense foods like banana, papaya, nuts, dry food, high-fat dairy products, etc. Thus a weight gain meal plan for the Underweight is a good idea. 

It will help in your weight gain journey. You can use condiments, spices, sauces, etc., to make the food tastier, which will help you to eat more of it. You may also have to force yourself to eat more even when you fill full. You can try to eat when you feel full as well.

5. Add Starchy Vegetables To Your Diet

Are you Planning to gain extra weight? Choosing more starchy vegetables than high fiber is advised. These are potatoes, sweet potatoes, and corn. Thus these are high in calories. 

A large sweet potato gives 160 calories. It is rich in vitamins A and C. You can shop for frozen to save money. These are cheaper than fresh vegetables. These will last longer as well. 

So, add these vegetables to your Weight Gain Meal Plan.

What Is Weight Gain Meal Plan For Underweight? 

A healthy Weight Gain meal plan for Underweight should make with the right proportions of fats, carbohydrates, and protein. So first, you should choose the foods in each of these macronutrient categories. Then add to your meal plan. Thus you can like some foods to take to your meal plan. 


  1. Fish (salmon or sardines)
  2. Red meat
  3. Chicken and turkey 
  4. Protein powder, supplements, and bars
  5. Eggs 


  1. Nuts 
  2. Avocado and avocado oil
  3. Olive and olive oil
  4.  Full-fat dairy products
  5. Cheese


  1. Starchy vegetables like potatoes, sweet potatoes, corn, etc.
  2. Granola
  3. Whole-grain bread and pasta
  4. Fresh and dried fruits

Read More: Cheap Bulking Meal Plan Under $100

7 Day Weight Gain Meal Plan For Underweight

Being underweight, one has a lack of the needed nutrients for the body. Here, such people are usually treated as mal-nourished individuals. So, It has many severe health problems.

The solution to the problem is following a 7-day meal weight gain plan. In this way, you can supply the needed nutrients in your body in the form of daily snacks. This weight gain meal plan is very detailed and easy to do for almost all. 

So, please follow the plan to gain weight within SEVEN DAYS.

Day 1: Monday Weight Gain Meal Plan For Underweight


It would be best to choose to take a heavy breakfast where the foods are: bacon, eggs, cashews, one cup of milk, and almonds.


Foods daily for lunch should add meat and vegetables. Meat is a protein that supply of amino acids. The vegetables that supply vitamins vitamin C. Both are good for health.


The most preferred food daily is chicken and rice. Then for dessert, you can have a milkshake.


In snacks, you can take fruits, like apples, bananas, or nuts.

Day 2: Tuesday Weight Gain Meal Plan For Underweight


The daily food will add eggs, bread, and bacon. You can take the eggs as fry or boil. Thus these are easy food to gain weight.


For lunch, you can eat fried rice or a meatloaf sandwich. As your snack daily. Fried rice is best to gain weight due to the many ingredients it contains. 

Meatloaf sandwich also has more benefits. But it is known to give more calories and protein. So include these into your healthy meal plans.


You can choose a light meal. These are like turkey and vegetables.


You can Have whole wheat cookies or chocolate chip cookies.

Day 3: Wednesday Weight Gain Meal Plan For Underweight


The daily food for breakfast will add overnight oats with honey and fruits.

Honey is the best energy source. And fruits supply vitamins that help prevent us from diseases.


Food daily is lasagna with chicken.


For dinner, you should have a daily food of whole wheat pasta and ice cream for dessert.

It is deficient in calories and hence safe for your heart. Here, Ice cream sources vitamin A, B-6, B-12, C, D, and E.


For Snacks, you can have brownies or Chips or even some fruits.

Day 4: Thursday Weight Gain Meal Plan For Underweight


Breakfast adds simple muffins and fruits. Muffins are known to contain traces of proteins and other minerals.

Taking fruits will help provide need vitamins, minerals, and fiber.


The daily for lunch is tuna sandwiches and vegetables. Improve your immune system, lower blood pressure, and helps to strengthen your bones.


The dinner food daily adds white sauce pasta and fruit smoothies or shakes.

White sauce pasta is loaded with more cholesterols due to the high content of butter and cheese it contains. The milkshakes give you calcium, vitamin A and B.


For Snacks, you can have homemade granola bars or energy bars.

Day 5: Friday Weight Gain Meal Plan For Underweight


Food daily for breakfast adds pancakes with syrup. These are a good source of vitamins and minerals. Wholemeal pancakes contain a high level of calcium, iron, phosphorous, and riboflavin.

These are healthy diets.


For daily lunch, you can take baked fish with vegetables. Baking fish gives less loss of omega-3 fatty acids than both frying and microwaving.


For dinner, you can have chicken soup and baked potatoes. It helps to build a healthy immune system in the body.

Baked potatoes have fiber that helps reduce blood sugar levels, vitamin C and B6, and low cholesterol levels. Thus it is supporting heart health.

It will help to gain weight.


You can have a greek salad or some dried fruits and nuts for a snack. These will help you keep good health.

Day 6: Saturday Weight Gain Meal Plan For Underweight


For breakfast, you can have burritos with meat. Having burritos for breakfast is both healthy and fulfilling. They sure will help you gain weight as they contain fats deposited in your body.

Meat is a unique dish that almost everyone feeds on. It helps in building muscle mass and gives many proteins to the body.


For lunch, just a simple fatty fish with rice and vegetables. The benefits of fish are well known to all.

Rice is a good source of carbohydrates and other vital vitamins, B and iron.


For dinner, you should have salad, chicken breast, and any dessert of your choice. Chicken salad will provide you with many vitamins and proteins.


You can have rice cakes or your favorite fruit smoothie as a snack. So, this is good for health and to gain weight.

Day 7: Sunday Weight Gain Meal Plan For Underweight

On Sunday, you can choose to have any combination or a mix of the above days’ foods. Just keep your meal healthy. You can even take a cheat meal if you want.

Weight Gain Meal Plan For Underweight Kids

Gaining weight during childhood is more complex than in adulthood. Kids are more active than adults. As a result, they need more energy and food. In a word, weight gain meal plan for underweight kids.

The energy they get from foods is used in their continuous physical works and the rest of it in their growth. 

 Some children have an inborn good physical build. It is not the case that you start them feeding more than three times a day and as much as you can to gain weight. 

This plan is fit for underweight kids. Most of the children do not want to eat as they feel low hunger. To gain weight, you need a bit of patience and a good diet. So, you need to follow the Weight Gain Meal Plan for Underweight Kids.

1. Consider An Age-Appropriate Multivitamin

A weight gain meal plan is needed for the Underweight kids. It is along with a multivitamin. Lack of urgent minerals and vitamins is one of the reasons for your kids not to gain weight.

Most of them are made up of natural organic ingredients. These are found to fulfill the needs of the body. These multivitamins are in the market for every age group. These are got in various flavors.

It is better to consult a doctor to choose a fit supplement for your kids. So, give the right one to your kids as per their age.

2. Weight Gain Foods For Kids

To Gain weight is not about eating everything that comes in front of you. Eating the right thing with the right amount at the right time will benefit you. Abruptly eating can harm the health of your kids. Some of the weight gain meal plans for an underweight kid. These are:

  1. Eggs: Eggs are riched with proteins. It is full of energy. It is a must food for daily breakfast. It will keep your child active throughout the day. And the nutrients help to build the body.
  2. Potatoes: The kids mostly like potato chips. You can add them up in the lunchboxes and the breaks between the meals.
  3. Bananas: They are not liked by the kids mostly. But you can mix them in milkshakes, desserts, fruit salads, etc. 
  4. Dairy products: These are the best source of digestible saturated fats fit for the body.
  5. Chicken: Chicken is the best source of protein. It helps in building up the body.

 3. Add In A Pre-Bedtime Snack

Feed them snacks before going to bed with healthy foods.

It would be best to keep a few snacks in your weight gain meal plan for Underweight kids. Here are some best ideas to cater to late-night hunger. These are:

  1. Tart Cherries: Tart Cherries (whole) or their juice are the best bedtime snacks. These help in a deep sleep and are nutrient-rich. Such as, 240 ml of tart cherry juice has around 140 calories.
  2. Banana: A banana dipped in butter or chocolate increases the melatonin level helping in better sleep. It has 165 calories.
  3. Kiwis: Two kiwis make up almost 93 calories. 
  4. Pistachios: A handful of pistachios accounts for 160 calories.
  5. Smoothie: It is packed 160 calories in 240 ml.
  6. Cereals: Cooked cereals topped with milk form a healthy snack. They are packing 124 calories in 3/4 cups.

4. Stick To A Meal & Snack Schedule:  

A proper time is needed for a weight gain meal plan for the Underweight. When you eat at the right time, the body will work and maintain good health. 

The food which you will not eat on time will not digest properly. Consult a doctor and make an eating time for yourself. There should be three meals a day. Snacks are as important as meals. Don’t overfill your stomach as it is not fit for your digestive system.

5. Stay Active 

A Wrong idea among people is that laziness is the key to gain weight. People think that doing physical works will waste our energy. Instead, we should do rest so that our energy builds up of the body. These are wholly wrong.

Taking rest is needed to ready the body for the next day’s routine. Thus an active life will help your body to use its energy in building your body. It will also deal with the loss of hunger. So it would help if you stayed active to have a fit and healthy life.

6. Don’t Plead, Beg, Or Threaten Your Child To Eat

You cannot force your child to eat, which he does not want. These are the food habits that take time to be changed. One cannot gain weight by night. 

Rather than offering food to your kid all time, you need to focus on eating habits and giving good food. 

 A kid is built both mentally and physically during this time. So, Threatening or begging your child to eat food will have adverse side effects on your child. He will not only get emotionally disturbed but also fear of food will start developing in his mind. Better to motivate and let them eat. 

Weight Gain Meal Plan For Underweight FAQs

What Are The Side Effects Of Being Underweight? 

You are underweight means that your body is lacking needs nutrients for the proper working of your body. So the side effects of being underweight can come up in any way. For example, you will get low immune to diseases.

Many problems may bring at times. Thus you may feel sick all the time. It will act as a hub of adverse issues.

How Underweight Is Too Underweight? 

BMI (Body mass index) is the most common way of checking the weight. It takes your height and age. If the weight is 18 to 22 lbs is considered as usual. Less than 18, you are underweight.

Does Being Underweight Affect My Brain? 

The skinny body affects the brain. The brain is the most vital part of the body and needs a lot of energy for its work. The working of the brain is hindered by the lack of nutrients and energy required. It has a lot of cons signs on the mind as well.

What Is Another Word For Underweight?

The other word of Underweight may be malnourished, skinny, and undersized. The term malnourished is known to suffering from a lack of need nutrients in the body. The word lean is used in a positive sense. There are sometimes; it is used to describe the body of someone as smart. But it is not good health at all. It needs to gain weight fast.

Can Be Underweight Cause Heart Problems? 

Yes. The Underweight affects the blood circulation, rules of the heart, and its works. Thus a weak, underweight body can not produce as much blood as needed by the body. So it causes anemia. There are Other problems as well. So, this is a high risk at all.

Can You Die From Being Underweight? 

Sure, we can die from being underweight under the worst stage. Thus our immune system gets weaker. So it is a high risk.

What Is Considered Underweight For A Child? 

BMI (body mass index) is the best way to check your child’s weight. It takes height and age to measure weight. A child is underweight if his BMI is less than 18. In some cases, 17 is also acceptable

Is It Safe To Consume 700-1000 More Calories For A Long Time?

Not at all. It is not very much safe for you to take this amount of calories daily if you are looking to gain some weight in the long run.

How Much Fat Should We Include In Our Meal Daily?

An average healthy adult should take about 44-77 grams of fat daily. Thus fats have more health benefits. These are like helping to energize one, regulating hormones and genes, and maintaining brain health. The bottom line is that you should take fat based on the diet. Take fat based on health needs.

Which Nuts Are Best For An Underweight Person?

Some of the best nuts can help one gain weight. These are Brazil nuts, almonds, walnuts, pecans, and cashews. These will help to gain weight fast.

Which Is Better, Peanut Butter Or Almond Butter?

Both have the almost same nutritional values. Thus Almond butter has a few more benefits than peanut butter.

How Many Calories Should We Increase For Kids?

Kids have many sizes. Thus this means there is no fixed number of calories kids should take daily. So, it varies based on size and age. These are:

1. Young children should be given calories ranging from 1000-2000 per day. 
2. Older children and adolescents need about 1400-3200 calories per day.
3. Again, boys generally need more calories than girls.

Final Words

Many times Underweight causes lots of health issues. If you are Underweight, then you should follow a proper Weight Gain Meal Plan for Underweight.

In both cases, we need to work on weight. The first one, gaining weight, and the second, losing weight. So, here we have discussed the weight gain meal plan for the underweight and different issues of it. I hope it will help you much more.

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